Don’t Just Launch, Validate.

Empower your organisation with Amazatic's expert MVP services, turning ideas into validated products.


MVP Strategic Planning

We provide expert technology guidance for startups and enterprises, optimizing cost, timeline, and feasibility, while offering insights into the pros and cons of various tech stacks.

MVP Enhancement & Refinement

Evolve your single-feature product into a robust solution with enhanced scalability, usability, and market viability.

Interactive MVP Prototyping

We craft high-fidelity, interactive prototypes that empower businesses to visualize, refine, and gather feedback for product development and improvement.

Functional Web & Mobile MVPs

We bring your enterprise or StartUp ideas to life through functional web and mobile applications, boosting your online presence, expanding your customer base, and adding tangible value to your business.

Bespoke MVP Solutions

Your vision is unique, and so is your MVP. We collaborate closely with you to build a custom MVP tailored to your specific goals and target audience, turning your concept into a working product.

Agile MVP Development & QA

Our expertise in technology and quality assurance, combined with our flexible, agile approach, ensures frequent, high-quality deliverables that keep you informed and confident throughout the development process.

Benefits of Partnering with Us

Expert Guidance:

Our team of seasoned professionals provides invaluable insights and guidance, ensuring your MVP aligns with your business goals and market demands.

Cost & Time Efficiency:

We optimize your development process to minimize costs and reduce time-to-market, allowing you to launch quickly and effectively.

Customized Solutions:

We understand that every project is unique. Our bespoke MVP solutions are tailored to meet your specific needs and target audience.

High-Quality Deliverables:

Our commitment to quality assurance and agile development practices ensures that you receive frequent, high-quality updates and deliverables.

Scalability & Usability:

Our enhancement and refinement services ensure your MVP evolves into a robust and scalable product, ready to meet growing user demands.

Our Approach

A structured path to actionable insights

We adopt 80/20 principle to create an MVP wherein the principle states that 80% of a brand’s customers will use 20% of the functionality, 20% functionality must be considered to attract customers by providing them with completely different new-featured products.

Lean Startup Methodology:

Embrace the Build Measure. Learn feedback loop to validate assumptions and make data-driven decisions.

Agile Development:

Break down development into smaller sprints to allow for flexibility and adoptation.

Focus on User Feedback:

Prioritize user insights over internal assumptions

Fail Fast, Learn Faster:

Don't be afraid to experiment and pivot if necessary.

Ideation & 
Market Research

Define the Problem: Clearly attribute the pain points or need your product aims to address.
Identify Target Users: Understand your ideal customers, their demographics, behaviors and preferences.
Analyze Competitors: Assess existing solutions in the market, their strengths abd weaknesses.
Conduct Market Research: Validate your idea through surveys, interviews and data analysis.

Feature Prioritization

List core features: identify the essential functionalities that solve the core problem.
Prioritize using the MoSCoW method:

Must-have: Features crucial for the MVP’s viability.
Should-have: Important features but not essential for the initial launch.
Could-have: Desirable features that can be added later.
Won’t-have: Features to be excluded from the MVP.

Design & Development

Wireframing and prototyping: Create low-fidelity mockups to visualize the user flow and interface.
UI/UX Design: Develop the visual design and user experience based on prototypes.
Minimum Viable Development: Build the core features with the simplest technology stack.

Testing & Feedback

Internal Testing: Conduct thorough testing to identify and fix bugs and usability issues.
User Testing: Gather feedback from target users on functionality, usability, and value.
Iterate Based on Feedback: Refine the MVP based on user insights.

Launch &

Release the MVP: Display the product to a limited audience or a controlled environment.
Gather Data: Track user behavior, engagement, and feedback.
Measure Success: Analyze data against pre-defined key performance indicators (KPIs).
Iterate & Improve: Use insights too plan further development and enhancements.


Why Choose Us?

Proven Track Record:

With years of experience and a portfolio of successful MVP projects, we have the expertise to bring your vision to life.

Collaborative Approach:

We work closely with you at every stage of development, ensuring your ideas and feedback are incorporated into the final product.

Cutting-Edge Technology:

We stay abreast of the latest technological advancements, providing you with innovative solutions that give you a competitive edge.

Dedicated Support:

Our team is committed to your success, offering continuous support and guidance throughout your MVP journey.

Client-Centric Focus:

Your satisfaction is our top priority. We tailor our services to meet your unique needs, ensuring a seamless and rewarding experience.

Let’s Build Solutions with a Future-First Approach!

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